I help people and those they love overcome the emotional challenges of eating disorders and trauma.

I offer exceptional support and guidance through clinical supervision based on a wealth of experience gained from a career in brain injury, mental health and leadership.

Since 2007, my area of spcialsim has been in eating disorders, wokring for a number of charities and also in-patient services, leading the Occupational Therapy service and co-collaborating on the development of a young persons in-patient service and community pathway.

I am passionate about helping people develop and reach their goals by exploring our strengths and understanding our vulnarabilities to bring change or acceptance to enhance experiences.

I would recommend Michelle for both individual supervision for those working in eating disorders and as training facilitator for individuals and teams wanting to learn more about eating disorders. She is one of the best I have come across throughout my 18year history in this field.

Service Director, Registered Eating Disorder Charity